Wednesday, October 10, 2007

how exciting

All About You
A survey from ThatSurveySite

What\'s your age? 41
Height? 6\'
Weight? 180
Birthday? October 26
Birthplace? Redondo Beach, CA
Natural Hair Color? Brown
Eye Color? Blue
Race? Whitey
Religion? Agnostic
Have you had any surgeries? yes
Any allergies? no
Injuries? yes broken arm and leg
Do you currently have an illnesses? Yes
How would you describe yourself? eccentric, quirky, loyal
What\'s your favorite food? French
Drink? Vodka but trying to quit
Color? Deep red
Place? BF\'s arms
What\'s your style of clothing? casual
What kind of music do you listen to? hip hop
What do you like to do? sex count?
In your Partner
What is your ideal mate\'s hair color? black
Skin tone? black
Eye color? brown
Height? 6\'
Would you like him/her physically fit? yes
You like \'em smart? absolutely
Is your ideal partner tough or sweet? little of both
Does it matter if they\'re good in bed? sure
Girl or guy? guy
Do you want to get married? yes and no
How about kids, and if so, how many? nope
What\'s your orientation? faggot
You like naughty or nice? little of both
Slow or fast? little of both
Hard or gentle? little of both
Does BDMS turn you on or off? eh
Do you prefer pain or pleasure? pleasure
Do you masturbate? yes of course
If so, how often? couple times a week
Do you enjoy it, and if so, how do you do it? yes of course
Do you have a favorite toy? i call it javier
Favorite position? versatile
In condoms and lubricants, flavored or no? no flavor
How often would you like to get busy? often
In Death
Who would you leave your possessions to? husband
What do you want done to your body? cremated
Do you have any regrets? not really

To take this survey, go to:

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