Monday, September 24, 2007


What an eventful weekend. I stopped drinking on Tuesday (for good hopefully) Wednesday I was feeling pretty good, Thursday I was feeling good…until about 7:00pm. I was sitting on a bench next to the BF drinking soda water with a dash of bitters. I had about three of them. All of a sudden I had the strangest feeling. It started in my legs. They started shaking uncontrollably. This with the strangest feeling I ever had started to frighten me a bit I grabbed my BF’s arm and that’s all she wrote. I don’t remember much after that other than waking up in the hospital. I am told that after I grabbed his arm, my whole body started shaking uncontrollably and then I went completely still. Every muscle in my body froze and went stiff as a board. My eyes were open but I was non-responsive. They tried to lay me down but I was so stiff my head hit the bench seat. I obviously bit my lip and tongue. People freaked and called 911. everybody was very helpful moving tables and chairs out of the way of the EMTs and debating whether I should be on my back or my side. I guess they put me on my side because my shoulder is sore. They rushed me to ER I sorta came to in the ambulance but I don’t remember much. Well, they wheeled me in (obviously) did cat scans, blood tests urine tests. Couldn’t tell what was wrong. Gave me some potassium, magnesium and a script for xanax. Follow up tests to follow. The BF has been more than supportive and loving, taking care of me 24/7. I love him so much.